Wylam Parish Council Road Safety Scheme
The Parish Council was successful in its bid for funding in the NCC Local Transport Plan 2024/25.
Two road safety options on Main Road were approved by NCC:
Option 1 – Outside the Spar: a raised table with an uncontrolled crossing point. This option was reviewed by the Parish Council and NCC and deemed not feasible due to loss of driveway access for nearby residents and loss of parking spaces outside the Spar.
Option 2 – Fox & Hounds: three schemes are being considered and will be subject to further consultation by NCC:
• Raised table with a zebra crossing and parking restrictions (option A)
• Raised table with an uncontrolled crossing point and parking restrictions (option B)
• Raised table with no formal crossing facility (option C)
There are three options available and the Parish Council are seeking the views of residents. You can send your views to the Clerk via the form below or email clerk@wylamparishcouncil.gov.uk
The deadline for views is 12 January 2025. Following the deadline, the views of residents will be shared with Northumberland County Council, who will then conduct formal consultation.
Raised table with Zebra crossing, tactile paving, flashing amber globes (with covers to prevent light pollution) and parking restrictions.
Traffic Calming scheme A
Raised table with tactile paving and parking restrictions
Traffic Calming scheme B
Raised table with tactile paving and no parking restrictions
Traffic Calming scheme C