Wylam Parish Council’s regular monthly meetings are held on the second Monday of each month. The meetings take place in the Centenary Room at Wylam Institute and begin at 7pm. Time is set aside during each meeting to allow member of the public to put questions to the Council about matters of local concern.
The Parish Council on matters as diverse as planning and healthcare, making sure that the interest of Wylam and its resident are not overlooked. The Council, as the foundation tier of local government in Northumberland, responds to concerns raised by local residents and promotes Wylam’s interests with Northumberland County Council and with central government departments.
Wylam Parish Council is made up of eight members and employs a Clerk who is also the Council’s Responsible Financial Officer, to administer its policies and financial affairs. The Village Handyman is employed to help keep Wylam clean and tidy.
The Parish Council organises a regular village litter pick and are registered with Northumberland County Council as a volunteer litter pick group. The Council manages Wylam Railway Museum, the Haughs Local Nature Reserve an Hagg Bank Play Area. The Council’s volunteer Tree Warden is a valuable source of information on the natural environment and reports to monthly meetings of the Parish Council. The Parish Council supports a number of local organisations through their grants and donations scheme. The Parish Council is the host council for the Ovingham Joint Burial Committee which manages Ovingham Cemetery.